5 months Remote Full-time Design Internship
Redesign a software upgrade experience
UCD design process case study
Project brief
OneFS is a parallel distributed networked file system and the operation basis of Dell’s millions dollar unstructured storage platform — Isilon.
Most of Isilon’s clients have large scale and critical production environment, which adds another layer of concerns of data unavailable/data lost during a major upgrade. My project was set out to reimagine and redesign the whole upgrade experience on OneFS, in which I also introduced the “one-click-upgrade“ concept to the product team.
Sneak Peek
User pain points
Before an upgrade
Too many steps just to get the upgrade started & it’s hard for users to judge and decide which new version they should upgrade to.
During an upgrade
01 Low visibility of system status
Previous GUI doesn’t show upgrade progress which left users feeling unsure and led to a distrust of the system.
02 Difficult troubleshooting process
Error messages are hard to find and it’s not easy to understand
Design impact
My work and case study got a lot of attention from the whole organization’s design leaders and product managers. I was asked to present to different product teams and has documented my design rationale both verbally with documentation and visually with design files.
Post my internship, the organization used my design work process and deliverables as a template to generalize a better upgrade process across other Dell enterprise products.
Amidst a pandemic
My experience was also documented and interviewed by The Wall Street Journal as an example of the first wave of remote work amid Covid.
Wall Street Journal: The Keys to a Successful Work-From-Home Internship